

The dashboard gives a bird’s eye view of the key performance indicators based on the role of the user. Submodules such as all protocols, Protocols to be reviewed, unassigned animals and delegated to the user can be obtained based on the role of the user. The tasks are differentiated and displayed on the calendar depending on the role of the user. The user can view past, current, and future schedules of research/clinical procedures on a selected calendar month.

The Key Features

  • Reveal the metrics most important to you
  • Notifications and alerts are helpful to take necessary action
  • Provides drill down options from the calendar view
  • Data filtering support for key decisions


In the administrator module, we have pre-defined roles with default permissions and users. The administrator can override specific roles/permissions and customize the permissions using guest roles.

The Key Features

  • Only the Administrator will have access to roles/permissions module
  • The roles are assigned from lower to the higher ranking by default
  • Only the Administrator can assign and/or override specific user permissions as appropriate
  • Administrator can create and modify user information including assigning roles


The client module helps to create and manage client information. Each client will have at least one or more charge codes. For internal purposes, the facility will have its own charge code called overhead charge codes (OHCC). Only the Account manager can access the client module.

The Key Features

  • Create Client, to add a new client’s name, charge code, billing and contact information edit client, to modify existing client’s information. Client name and charge code cannot be edited
  • Add charge code, to an existing client where client name cannot be edited. Only additional charge code can be added to the client
  • Close charge code, will allow the user to release associated animals to this charge code or study. User will be able to close the charge code only when there is no study, or no animals attached to the charge code


The Delegate module handles the delegation activity. Access to a protocol/study can be delegated for a specific time period and will be revoked automatically after the time period expires.

The Key Features

  • Principle Investigator and Administrator can only have the privilege to delegate a protocol/study.
  • Pending protocols and studies are displayed in the delegate list. Delegation is for a specific duration only and when that duration expires, all the permissions are revoked.
  • A user can delegate multiple protocols/studies from the same owner to a single user and can delegate various permissions to the selected set of protocols/studies.
  • Email notifications will be sent to the user who is being delegated. The system won’t allow delegating same study/protocol to the same person in the same date range

Lab Center

All research and clinical procedure schedules are implemented by Veterinary Technician or Laboratory Technician. Technician will follow the schedule from the dashboard calendar.

The Key Features

  • Calendar view and List view provides the schedule of tasks for the technician to implement
  • Sedation calculation will be done automatically based on most recent weight of the animal after selecting a controlled substance
  • Animals that do not need sedation are separated from the sedation list when handling the day’s schedule
  • Handout will be generated for the day schedule to collect vital information such as temperature, pulse, respiration, and weight
  • All research and clinical results including technician initials are recorded in the system using self-explanatory user interface


This is where the user can customize the query to view the data required. There are two categories in it, Dynamic Query and Ad hoc.

The Key Features

  • Dynamic query is where the user can create a random query with the required fields, the result set is then presented according to the query requested.
  • The query can be filtered from the relevant table data through the selected entities.
  • The user has a choice to save the query as public or not. If it is saved as public, all the other users can access the same query and get the data from Ad hoc query list.
  • If the query is not saved as public, then only the user who created the query can view it and modify it further