Protocol Management
The Protocol module handles entire protocol process from initiation to approval, the complete process is fully automated. Only the Principle Investigator has the privilege to create a protocol. IACUC Chair or IACUC coordinator will be able to review and approve the protocol.

The Key Features
- The protocol process comprises creating a new protocol, completion, review, and finally the approval.
- During this process, the Principle Investigator can delegate the protocol to any user in this application for a fixed time period.
- During this process, the status changes from pending to pre-review to review to approve. Email notification will be sent for each status change in the protocol approval process
- IACUC chair can send the proposal of protocol to the IACUC committee by selecting either full committee or DMR review type
- IACUC member and DMR will cast their votes electronically, to approve or deny the protocol review type
- Once the protocol has been approved, only amendments can be made to those protocols and no further edits are allowed, to an approved protocol
Animal Management
The Animals module features importing of animals, CBC, Mamu, Elisa, Viral load. Only Principal Investigator and Research Scientist have full authority to access this Animal module. Animal data is centralized and integrated with all other modules to achieve best performance.

The Key Features
- Animal enrollment, edit, and update, with access to animal history for as much as seven years, as well as animal bulk import and edit features.
- CBC, Elisa, Viral load and flow imports from .csv files with import templates available for download
- Import files show response file if there is any data validation error.
- Single/Bulk animal reports are available for download in various formats such as .pdf, .xls, .doc.
- The user will be able to upload documents and images to a specific animal record
Research Study Management
The Research study module handles all Research study related functionality. it allows the user to create study, procedures, adding animals to the study, and schedule the procedures. Recurring schedule for all future dates will be handled here.

The Key Features
- A new Research study which is always connected to a single charge code can be created for an approved or for a holding protocol. A temporary study can be created using temp protocol which has no charge code attached.
- There are four major procedures, Blood Sample, Biopsy, Mucosal, and Inoculation
- An existing study can be cloned or closed. When cloned, only existing procedures get cloned and when closed, all animals are released from the study
- Procedures from an existing study can be cloned, for similar studies
- When study is created using holding protocol, all clients and corresponding charge codes are available for the new study.
- When study is created using holding protocol, all clients and corresponding charge codes are available.
- Dashboard view will display procedures, animals and notifications if there are any.
Clinical Management
The Clinical module enables users to automate all clinical procedures including treatments, TB and Physical. TB and Physical procedures can be scheduled as individual or bulk. The technician will then record all examination results

The Key Features
- Treatments can be scheduled for individual animals, Drugs or orders will be added to the scheduled treatment.
- All clinical procedures have three statuses, “Scheduled,” “In Progress” and “Completed.”
- Clinical treatments, prescribed medicine schedule is editable based on the response and recovery of the animal
- Treatment can be scheduled for one day or multiple days by selecting a date range; recurring date’s option is also available to schedule
- System records technician initials for treatment with respect to the frequency
- Pdf files are available for completed Treatment/TB/Physical procedures